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California :
'Eugenics in California and the World: Race, Class, Gender/Sexuality, and Disability'
Miroslava Chavez-Garcia (UCSB) and Susan Schweik (UCB)

More info on symposium here

SYMPOSIUM (II) - Eugenics in California and the World: Race, Class, Gender/Sexuality, and Disability

SYMPOSIUM (II) - Eugenics in California and the World: Race, Class, Gender/Sexuality, and Disability

Welcome to Day 2 - June 5, 2021 - 00:20:42 Special Dedication to Theresa Martínez - 22:04 PANEL II Sterilization and the Social Justice Lab - 32:17 Natalie Lira, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign - 32:44 Nicole Novak, Assistant Research Scientist, Iowa College of Public Health - 47:58 Marie Kaniecki, MPH, University of Michigan - 1:03:32 Juan Gudino, MPH, University of Iowa College of Public Health - 1:15:33 Kate O’Connor, MPH, PhD Candidate, University of Michigan, American Culture - 1:24:17 Q & A: The Audience - 1:30:00 PANEL III Ableism, Anti-Blackness, and Racism: Eugenics in the Present - 1:50:00 Ella Callow (1:51:06), UCB, Lucy Sirianni, UCB, & Nate Tilton (2:07:55), UCB, “Eugenics & Child Welfare: Preventing Civil Death Penalty for Disabled Adults & their Children” - 1:51:06 Carlos Martínez, UCSF, “The REPAIR Project, Anti-Blackness & Racism in Medicine, Science, & Health” - 2:19:36 Aimee Medeiros, UCSF, The REPAIR Project - 2:26:03 Q & A: The Audience - 2:39:30 PANEL IV Reparations for California Forced Sterilization Survivors Campaign - 3:51:03 Carly Meyers, Disability Rights Education Defense Fund - 3:53:20 Lorena García Z., California Latinas for Reproductive Justice - 4:01:13 Cynthia Chandler, Bay Area Legal Incubator (BALI) - 4:16:14 Aminah Elster, California Coalition for Women Prisoners - 4:30:13 Q & A: The Audience - 4:36:30 PANEL V Reproductive Genetic Technologies & Social Justice Implications - 5:22:09 Marcy Darnovsky, Center for Genetics, Berkeley - 5:23:52 Osagie Obasogie, UCB, Bioethics & Milton Reynolds, Reynolds Consulting, International/Educational Working Group - A Conversation on Eugenics Today - 5:34:05 Q & A: The Audience - 6:08:50 Reflections & Moving Forward: Transitional Justice Movements - 6:50:16 Milton Reynolds, Reynolds Consulting, International/Educational Working Group Closing: Susan Schweik, Miroslava Chávez-García, and Audience

Australasia :
'Eugenic thinking in Australasia'
Rob Wilson (UWA), Jane Lydon (UWA)
More info on the panels here


Australasian Reflection
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'Legacies of Eugenics in Canada'
Erika Dyck (University of Saskatchewan)

More info on symposium here


Central Europe:
'Race, Science and Eugenics in East Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries'
Emese Lafferton (CEU)

More info on symposium here

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///Recordings of this conference to be uploaded shortly. You can view lecture series around Steinhof, in preparation of CEU's upcoming move to the site///

Steinhof: A Difficult Modernity

Steinhof: A Difficult Modernity

A lecture by Leslie Topp, Professor of Architectural History at Birkbeck, University of London. PRESENTER / Leslie Topp, Birkbeck, University of London RESPONDENT / Emese Lafferton, CEU INTRODUCTION / Michael Ignatieff, President and Rector, CEU MODERATOR / Michael Lawrence Miller, CEU When the Steinhof psychiatric hospital complex was opened in 1907 it was publicised and acclaimed in superlatives: the largest, the most advanced, the epitome of the modern psychiatric facility. But what modern meant in terms of psychiatric hospital design was not at all self-evident in the early twentieth century, and sceptical voices from within and beyond the psychiatric profession saw the very institution of the asylum as outdated and oppressive. Otto Wagner was only one of a series of advanced architects across the Austrian lands of the Empire who sought to make a tired institution culturally meaningful through architectural, landscape and small-scale urban design. But while other designers opted for the familiar imagery of the organic village, Wagner imagined the hospital complex as a utopian city on a hill, recasting carceral control and isolation as advanced master planning in an early modernist mode. This lecture situated Steinhof in the context of the other psychiatric hospitals of the region, and architectural and psychiatric history more broadly, arguing that it embodies a difficult modernity. Learn more: Subscribe for more videos:
Nazi Medical Crimes at the Psychiatric Hospital Am Steinhof

Nazi Medical Crimes at the Psychiatric Hospital Am Steinhof

An online lecture by Herwig Czech, University Professor, History of Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, organised as part of the CEU Presidential Lecture Series. PRESENTER / Herwig Czech, Medical University Vienna RESPONDENT / Ina Friedmann, Wissenschaftsbüro Innsbruck INTRODUCTION / Michael Laurence Miller, CEU MODERATOR / Michael Ignatieff, President and Rector, CEU When the Heil- und Pflegeanstalt "Am Steinhof" was opened in 1907, it was one of the largest and most generous psychiatric institutions in Europe. After Austria’s Anschluss to the Third Reich in 1938, Steinhof became one of the focal points of the Nazi regime’s internal war against psychiatric patients and persons with mental disabilities. Between 1940 and 1945, as part of the “child euthanasia” program, a so-called “special children’s ward” named Am Spiegelgrund existed on the Steinhof premises where approximately 800 children and young people lost their lives. In the context of the so-called “Operation T4,” more than 3,200 patients were deported in 1940/41 and gassed at Hartheim Castle near Linz. After the official halt to “T4” in August 1941, “euthanasia” was continued at Steinhof by means of deliberate malnutrition and systematic neglect, to which 3,500 patients fell victim. The lecture gives an overview of Steinhof’s role during National Socialism and addresses the enduring legacy of these crimes. Learn more: Subscribe for more videos:
Central Europe
Global South
Great Britain

Great Britain:
'Unpacking Bloomsbury, UCL and the Birth of Eugenics'
Subhadra Das, Angela Saini and Nora Groce (UCL)

More info on 'From Galton to Osborn' as part of 'Dismantling Eugenics' conference here
///Recording to be uploaded shortly///
'Bricks + Mortals: Walking Tour of Bloomsbury Podcast'
Subhadra Das

You can download the full podcast here, and find out more here, as well as directions and maps here.


'India's Eugenic Pasts, Presents and Futures'
Asha Nadkarni (University of Massachusetts) and Banu Subramaniam (University of Massachusetts)

More info on the panels here

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///Due to its sensitive nature, these panels weren't recorded. Further events are under discussion. You can hear Asha sumarising the panels on 9.40-17.30mins at the following///


'Eugenic Legacies in Japan: Revelations, Representations and Reparations'
Mark Bookman (Tokyo College)

More info on symposium here

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【Original English Audio】Eugenics Legacies in Japan: Revelations, Reparations, and Representation

【Original English Audio】Eugenics Legacies in Japan: Revelations, Reparations, and Representation

A panel discussion, organized by Mark Bookman and hosted by Tokyo College (the University of Tokyo), to examine the history of eugenics in modern Japan as well as its local and global legacies. The panel will feature presentations from Anna Vittinghoff, Michael Gillan Peckitt and Akiko Sato on topics such as reproductive rights, media discourse around violent acts, and forced sterilization. It will also include discussion about the future implications of eugenics in Japan’s past and present. Moderator Mark BOOKMAN(Postdoctoral Fellow, Tokyo College) Speakers Anna VITTINGHOFF (Phd Candidate, University of Edinburgh) Michael Gillan PECKITT (Independent Researcher) SATO Akiko(Attorney-at-Law) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 東京カレッジは世界の第一線で活躍する研究者や知識人を招き、市民の皆さんと一緒に未来社会の様々な側面について考える場を作ります。 ・Subscribe to Mail Magazine 【メールマガジン登録】 ・Tokyo College Website 【東京カレッジウェブサイト】 ・東京カレッジへの寄付はこちらから。寄付者限定イベント等も予定しています。 ・Twitter ・Facebook


マーク・ブックマン氏が企画し、東京カレッジ(東京大学)が主催するパネルディスカッションでは、近代日本における優生学の歴史と、その地域的・世界的な遺産を検証します。このパネルでは、アンナ・ヴィッティングホフ氏、マイケル・ギラン・ペキット氏、佐藤晃子氏が、リプロダクティブ・ライツ、暴力行為をめぐるメディアの言説、強制不妊手術などのトピックについて発表します。また、日本の過去と現在における優生学の将来的な意味合いについても議論します。 00:00:00 | 紹介 00:04:44 | Anna VITTINGHOFF (エディンバラ大学 博士課程 00:25:09 | Michael Gillan PECKITT (インディペンデント・リサーチャー) 00:48:08 | 佐藤 暁子 (弁護士) 01:08:52 | ディスカッション モデレーター Mark BOOKMAN(東京カレッジ ポストドクトラル・フェロー) 登壇者 Anna VITTINGHOFF (エディンバラ大学 博士課程) Michael Gillan PECKITT (インディペンデント・リサーチャー) 佐藤 暁子 (弁護士) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 東京カレッジは世界の第一線で活躍する研究者や知識人を招き、市民の皆さんと一緒に未来社会の様々な側面について考える場を作ります。 ・Subscribe to Mail Magazine 【メールマガジン登録】 ・Tokyo College Website 【東京カレッジウェブサイト】 ・東京カレッジへの寄付はこちらから。寄付者限定イベント等も予定しています。 ・Twitter ・Facebook

Latin America:
'Legacies of Eugenics Across Latin America'
Conference to take place on the 12th-13th October

More info on conference to follow shortly

Latin America

'Eugenic Legacies in Mexico and the Americas'
Susan Antebi (Toronto University)

More info on symposium here
In English...

In Spanish...


'Legacies of Eugenics Across the Middle-East'
Conference to take place in the summer

More info on conference to follow shortly


Middle East
the Mid-West, USA

Mid-West, US:
'Regional Reflections on Eugenics: Midwest Convening'
Natalie Lira (University of Illinois), Nicole Novak (University of Iowa), Katie O’Connor (University of Michigan)

More info on symposium here
/// Recording of symposium to follow shortly ///


New England, US:
'Legacies of Eugenics in New England'
Michael Bryant (Bryant University), Evelynn Hammonds (Harvard), Charlene Galarneau (Harvard), Nora Groce (UCL), Daniel Martinez HoSang (Yale), Benedict Ipgrave (Brookes University), Natalie Kofler (Harvard) Hannah Marcus (Harvard)

More info on the conference here

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Legacies of Eugenics in New England Conference: Part 1

Legacies of Eugenics in New England Conference: Part 1

(09-22-2021) Session 1 - Introduction and how we remember eugenics / chaired by Charlene Galarneau (Harvard) Opening on Judy Dow's Second Eugenics Congress tapestries with her text Welcome from Evelynn M. Hammonds on behalf of the Hutchins Center for African & African American Research Overview of the session from Charlene Galarneau Michael Bryant to give overview of indigenous genocides and extinction theory Land acknowledgment from Charlene Galarneau Charlene Galarneau in conversation with Judy around the history and lessons of land acknowledgements, before Nancy Gallagher and Judy in conversation around how to remember eugenics. Session 2 - Eugenics Survey of Vermont / chaired by Charlene Galarneau (Harvard) Nancy Gallagher and Judy Dow presents around the Eugenics Survey of Vermont Conversation with Judy Dow and Nancy Gallagher around the Eugenics Survey of Vermont, chaired by Charlene Galarneau Session 3 - Harvard's eugenics history / chaired by Evelynn Hammonds (Harvard) Introductory comments from Evelynn Hammonds Short presentation/introductory remarks by Paul Lombardo (Georgia State University) on the history of Harvard eugenics Short presentation/introductory remarks by Suzanne Blier (Harvard) on eugenics at Harvard's museums Short presentation/introductory remarks by Christopher Willoughby (Harvard) on historical eugenics in Harvard's medical schools Follow up and discussion between Paul Lombardo, Suzanne Blier, and Christopher Willoughby, chaired by Evelynn Hammonds Session 4 - Bell/Gallaudet and eugenics and the Deaf community / chaired by Brian Greenwald (Gallaudet University) Introductory comments from Brian Greenwald Short presentation on AGBell's research on Martha's Vineyard and its implications upon the Deaf community by Nora Groce (UCL) Short presentation on Gallaudet and Clerc's work with the Deaf community in Connecticut by Meredith Peruzzi (Gallaudet University) Follow up and discussion with Nora Groce and Meredith Peruzzi, chaired by Brian Greenwald Session 5 - Yale's eugenic past / chaired by Daniel Hosang (Yale University) Introductory comments from Daniel HoSang 3 conversations around archival materials between Daniel HoSang and his 3 students - José Garcia, Sidney Velasquez, and Dora Guo Follow up and collective discussion between José Garcia, Sidney Velasquez, and Dora Guo, chaired by Daniel HoSang Session 6 - Concluding coming together panel / chaired by Nora Groce (UCL) Introductory, bringing together comments by Nora Groce Collective discussion around New England's legacies of eugenics, and how we remember eugenics, with Judy Dow, Nancy Gallagher, Brian Greenwald, Suzanne Blier, Mike Bryant and Daniel Hosang, chaired by Nora Groce Lead out and preview to next session Part 2 - October 19 Part 3 - November 16
Legacies of Eugenics in New England Conference: Part 2

Legacies of Eugenics in New England Conference: Part 2

Legacies of Eugenics in New England Conference - Session 2 'Eugenic Presents', 19th October, 1-4pm EST Session 2 will continue where our first session on the 22nd September left off. It will take audiences from the past incarnations of eugenics across our four arching community threads across this conference (Vermont, Harvard, Yale and the Deaf community) that was the subject of our first session, through to an exploration into how these legacies of eugenics resurface and are remembered in these communities in our world today (schedule below). There will also be a special opening panel, looking at the deportation of the Malaga Island mixed-race community in 1912, and how this is remembered in Maine today. The subject matter of our third session on the 16th November, will then look into the future trajectories of these eugenics legacies upon these communities, and what it is we can do to disrupt these trajectories. Schedule for Session 2 - 'Eugenic Presents', 19th Oct, 1-4pm... 1pm-1.40pm - "Making the Past Visible in the Present: Malaga Island and Eugenics in Maine" A look at the deportation of the Malaga Island mixed-race community in 1912, and this is remembered in Maine today. Chair: Hannah Marcus (Harvard University) Panellists: Katie McBrien (Maine state archivist), Daniel Minter (artist) and Stephen Black (artist) 1.40pm-2pm - "Deaf People Can Do Anything But Hear: Deaf Exceptionalism and Modern Deaf Discourses" An exploration by Professor Octavian Robinson, into how the lingering legacy of eugenics is apparent in contemporary conversations in Deaf Studies and among deaf communities posing as deaf exceptionalism. Presenter: Octavian Robinson (Gallaudet University) 2pm-2.30pm - "Scientific Endeavours at Harvard" Harvard molecular biologist Natalie Kofler in conversation with Angela Saini (author of “Superior: The Return of Race Science”) around contemporary scientific endeavours at Harvard. Chair: Natalie Kofler (Scientific Citizenship Initiative at Harvard Medical School) Panellist: Angela Saini (journalist) 2.30pm-3pm - "Beyond Perkins and the Past: Eugenics in Vermont Today" An exploration of the ongoing impacts of Vermont eugenics and present-day responses including discussions of apologies and unnamings. Chair: Charlene Galarneau (Harvard) Panellist: Mercedes De Guardiola (historian) 3pm-3.30pm - "Yale, the academic disciplines, and the long shadow of Eugenics" "An exploration of the influence that Eugenics research and logic has on contemporary research and knowledge production.” Chair: Daniel Martinez HoSang (Yale University) Panellists: Tallulah Keeley-Leclaire (Yale) and Emily Xu (Yale) 3.30pm-4pm - "Eugenics today in New England" Evelynn Hammonds will invite chairs and panellists back to discuss what eugenics means today in this current pandemic and global eugenics/anti-eugenics reckoning moment. Chair: Evelynn Hammonds (Harvard) Panellists: Katie McBrien (Maine state archivist), Octavian Robinson (Gallaudet), Daniel Martinez HoSang (Yale), Natalie Kofler (Harvard), Charlene Galarneau (Harvard) and Mercedes De Guardiola (historian)
Legacies of Eugenics in New England Conference: Part 3

Legacies of Eugenics in New England Conference: Part 3

(11-16-2021) This session will be taking forward the four thematic threads from the conference's two previous sessions (eugenics at Harvard and Yale, the Eugenics Survey and Vermont apology, and eugenics and the Deaf community) – see recording of the first session ‘Eugenic Legacies’ (22nd September), or recording of the second session ‘Eugenic Presents’ (19th October) - to look at our 'Eugenic Futures.' The session will bring together leading scholars, activists, politicians and artists, to explore eugenic threats to our futures (whether posed through gene-editing technologies, environmental crises, backlashes to shifting demographics, tensions around school curriculums, etc.), and what it is that we can do to prepare for or disrupt eugenic trajectories. The session will conclude by asking what specific role and responsibility New England has in confronting eugenics in the future. 12.30pm-12.40pm Welcome and New England land acknowledgment Presenter: Nora Groce (University College London) 12.40pm-12.50pm CRISPR: What lies in store? Presenter: Neal Baer (Harvard University) 12.50pm-1pm Gene-editing with CRISPR, and the Deaf community Presenter: Teresa Blankmeyer Burke (Gallaudet University) 1pm - 1.40pm The future of gene editing and genomics Moderator: Natalie Kofler (Scientific Citizenship Initiative at Harvard University) A quick 2 min intro from each panellist and then moderated discussion Panellist: Joe Stramondo (San Diego State University) – ‘disability, eugenics,…’ Panellist: Sara Hendren (Olin College of Engineering) – ‘designing spaces and systems not people’ Panellist: Keolu Fox (UC San Diego) – ‘indigenous agency in genomics’ 1.40pm-2.25pm Dismantling Vermont Eugenics: Towards an Anti-Eugenics Future Moderator: Charlene Galarneau (Harvard University) Opening thoughts by each panellist, followed by roundtable discussion Panellist: Judy Dow (Executive Director of Gedakina, Educator and Artist) Panellist: Representative Tiffany Bluemle (Vermont General Assembly) Panellist: Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale (Vermont General Assembly) 2.25pm-2.35pm White Fright: Eugenics meets population decline and climate change Presenter: Anne Hendrixson (Collective Power for Reproductive Justice) 2.35pm-3.05pm Humans, nature, and eugenics Moderator: Natalie Kofler (Scientific Citizenship Initiative at Harvard University) 3-5min presentation each Panellist: Riley Taitingfong (Harvard University) – ‘settler/colonialism’ Panellist: Tallulah Keeley-Leclaire (Yale University) – ‘Yale’ Panellist: Natalie Kofler (Harvard University) – ‘Purity, invasive species rhetoric, and genetics’ Panellists: Students from the Masters of Bioethics Program (Harvard University) – ‘a new environmental ethic for the future’ Isabella Hernandez, Emily Cerciello, Ausubel Pichardo, Shika Kalevor 3.05-3.20pm Eugenics in education, and empowering the next generation Conversation looking at eugenics in education Moderator: Milton Reynolds (Milton Reynolds Consultancy) Panellist: Daniel Martinez HoSang (Yale University) 3.20-4pm Concluding panel Panellists and moderators from the conference are invited back for a roundtable discussion taking selected questions from the session, and concluding with a look at the role and responsibility of New England in confronting eugenics in our future Panellists: Neal Baer, Representative Tiffany Bluemle, Teresa Blankmeyer Burke, Judy Dow, Charlene Galarneau, Anne Hendrixson, Daniel Martinez HoSang, and Milton Reynolds
New England
North America

Pacific Islands:
'Legacies of Eugenics Across the Pacific'
Conference to take place in the summer

More info on conference to follow shortly


Pacific Islands

'Battling Eugenics: Debates and The Rise of Opposition in Science and Culture'
Ewa Luczak (Warsaw University) and Joanna Ziarkowska (Warsaw University)
Conference to take place on the 26th and 27th April

More info on conference here


'The impact of Swedish Race Biology on the Sami and Tornedalians'
Professor Jakob Stougaard-Nielsen (UCL) and Izabella Wodzka (UCL)

More info on the event here


South Africa:
'From Podium to the Classroom'
Conference to take place in the autumn

More info on conference here

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South Africa
South Korea

South Korea:
'Eugenics in South Korean Biomedicine: The Past and the Present'
Jaehwan Hyun (Pusan National University), Jiyoung Park (Inje University College of Medicine)

Event to take place on the 29th April
More info on workshop here


US South:
'Historical and Modern Perspectives on Eugenics in Southern USA.'
Karin Zipf (University of East Carolina), Anna Krome-Lukens (UNC at Chapel Hill), Ed Larson (Pepperdine University)

More info on workshop here

///Recordings will be uploaded shortly///

US South

Southeast Asia:
'Legacies of Eugenics Across Southeast Asia'
Conference to take place in the summer

More info on conference to follow shortly


Southeast Asia

Benedict Ipgrave (Programme Director)


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